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Sunday Service - Sharing the Harvest by Lois Siemens
Children's Story - Practicing Compassion by June Mears Driedger
Proclaiming - Mourning into Dancing by Donna Mast
Sending – May Your Gratitude Overflow by Karmen Krahn
Children's Story - Like a Mustard Seed by June Mears Driedger
Call to Worship - Why Bother? by Richard Gehring
Confessing – Speak the Truth with Love by Susan Miller
Children's Story - Forgiving Others by June Mears Driedger
Sermon Starter - God's Generous Grace by June Mears Driedger
Children's Story - Honoring God with Humility by June Mears Driedger
Benediction - May Christ Overcome Our Differences by Brett Klingenberg
Complete Service - Practicing Persistence by June Mears Driedger
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