Ordinary Time (Season)

The period of Sundays between Pentecost and Advent. Also, the Sundays between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday are also considered ordinary time. In some Christian calendars, this season is also called Pentecost.

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Visual Art - Stretched by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Curious Cardinal by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Resting Bluebird by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Goldfinch Sipping Nectar by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Attentive Nuthatch by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Grayscale Bird by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Young Cardinal by Maren Hange
Call to Worship – Lament: I Wither Away Like Grass by Karmen Krahn
Call to Worship – Praise: You Visit the Earth and Water It by Karmen Krahn
Sending – God’s Healing and Peace by Karmen Krahn
Sending – Go in Peace, Live Justly, and Honour God by Karmen Krahn
Sending – May Your Gratitude Overflow by Karmen Krahn
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