Sundays after Easter


The six Sundays following Easter Sunday ending the Sunday before Pentecost. Traditionally, there are no prayers of confession during this season, replaced with formal, historical, informal, and contemporary affirmations of faith. 

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Song - And It Shall Be (Chords, Lyrics, Lead Sheet) by Lonnie Buerge
Song - And It Shall Be (Video) by Lonnie Buerge
Song - Celebrate Together (Lyrics, Chords, Lead Sheet) by Nathan Grieser
Song - Celebrate Together (Video) by Nathan Grieser
Invocation - Trusting in God's Presence by Jane Hilliard
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Visual Art - Attentive Nuthatch by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Grayscale Bird by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Stretched by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Young Cardinal by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Curious Cardinal by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Resting Bluebird by Maren Hange
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