Holy Saturday

The Saturday of Holy Week in which everything stops. The impact of loss, sadness, and helplessness feels overwhelming. Also a day to sense the mysterious possibility that life may yet rise out of death or from what is dying.

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Prayer - Impossible Situations by Joanna Harader
Poem - Holy Saturday by Julia Baker Swann
Visual Art - Alive illust. Anne H. Berry
Song - Jesus, Teach Me to Grieve (Lyrics) by Addie Liechty
Jesus, Teach Me to Grieve (Video) by Addie Liechty
Affirming Faith - We Witness by Sandy Miller
Dialogue - Jesus and the Adversary by Erin Morash
Visual Art - Stations of the Cross VI: Not Condemned by Jerry Holsopple
Visual Art - Stations of the Cross VII: Pierced by Jerry Holsopple
Visual Art - Stations of the Cross VIII: For All Peoples by Jerry Holsopple
Visual Art - Stations of the Cross IX: New Life by Jerry Holsopple
Visual Art - "Stations on the Way" Stations of the Cross by Jerry Holsopple
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