Maundy Thursday

The Thursday of Holy Week that celebrates Jesus’s supper with his disciples, his washing of the disciples’ feet, his reinterpretation of eating bread and drinking from the cup, and his institution of a new covenant. The English word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum” meaning command or new commandment. The service can include a service of footwashing

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Crossroads: A One-Act Holy Week Audio Monologue by Arlyn Friesen Epp
Tenebrae Service - Lament by Melissa Miller
Prayer Time for Maundy Thursday: During a Pandemic by Mark Diller Harder
Shadows of the Cross: Tenebrae Readers' Theatre
Visual Art - Alive illust. Anne H. Berry
Footwashing Invitation - Standing On Holy Ground by Sheila Wiens Neufeld
Maundy Thursday Service - Fabric of Jesus' Life by Judith Friesen Epp
Maundy Thursday Play - Following Jesus to the Cross by Chip Bender
Dialogue - Jesus and the Adversary by Erin Morash
Order of Service - 'Last Supper' Tenebrae and Communion Service by Kevin Derksen
Last Supper Footwashing/Communion Service by Wanda Roth Amstutz
Confession - Passion Week by Carol Penner
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