Words for Worship

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Confession - Confidence in Ourselves ed. Leader Worship Group
Confession and Reconciliation - Fresh and Clean by Ron Rempel
Proclaiming Faith - We Will Tell of Healing and Hope by Susan Miller
Praising - Sing the Glory of God's Name by Brett Klingenberg
Call to Worship - Peace in Difficulty and Doubt ed. Leader Worship Group
Prayer - Awake and Faithful by Norma Duerksen
Call to Worship - An Obedient Servant ed. Leader Worship Group
Prayer of Confession - With You There are No Sides by Carol Penner
Call to Worship - A Gift For God's Children by Judith Froese Doell
Call to Worship - Showing God's Presence ed. Leader Worship Group
Prayer - Overwhelmed by the Spirit by Dave Foncannon
Benediction - Tell Everyone by April Yamasaki
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