Visual Art

Together in Worship dreams of curating a collection of visual art intended for use in worship, whether through projection or printing, or by inspiring local artists. Works of visual art in all mediums are welcome. We also aim to provide theological grounding and practical guidance for engaging the visual aspects of worship. We hope these resources will inspire creativity and collaboration among Anabaptist artists.

Additionally, CommonWord curates a supplementary collection of art pieces for other settings.  

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Visio Divina - Ends of the Earth by Len Rempel
Visio Divina - My Creator by Linda Thiessen-Belch
Visio Divina - Draw Near to God by Kevin Driedger
Visio Divina - Behold the Beauty of the Lord by Ruth Boehm
Visio Divina - My Rock by Linda Thiessen-Belch
Visio Divina - Steadfast Love by Kevin Driedger