Earth Day

A day (April 22) that annually celebrates the natural beauty and wonder of the earth and promotes advocacy and action to protect the earth’s resources and environment.

Also see Creation Care, Climate Change/Action, Creation Care Sunday resources.


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Song - Bring Your Reign of Peace (Lyrics, Chords, Lead Sheet) by Erik Mohr
Song - Bring Your Reign of Peace (Video) by Erik Mohr
Song - Psalm 104 (Renew the Earth) (Lyrics, Chords, Lead Sheet) by Mykayla Turner
Song - Psalm 104 (Renew the Earth) (Audio Recording) by Mykayla Turner
Visual Art - Attentive Nuthatch by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Grayscale Bird by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Stretched by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Young Cardinal by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Curious Cardinal by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Resting Bluebird by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Goldfinch Sipping Nectar by Maren Hange
Drama — Earth Sunday Creation Care by Scott Morton Ninomiya
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