Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday

Mennonite World Conference designates the last Sunday in January as World Fellowship Sunday and invites Anabaptists around the world to join in worship as a community of Christian believers with Anabaptist commitments.

Also see Christian Ecumenism.

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Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2023 - Jesus Christ: Our Hope (French, German, Indonesian, Spanish included) by MWC Regional Representatives in Africa
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2022 - Following Jesus together (French, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia included) ed. 3 Anabaptist synods in Indonesia
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2021 - Following Jesus together across barriers (French, Spanish, हिन्दी, Bahasa Indonesia included) ed. MWC member churches in Asia
Dimanche de la Fraternité Anabaptiste Mondiale 2020 - Jésus Christ : notre espoir by Joanna Harader
Domingo de la Fraternidad Anabautista Mundial 2020 - Jesucristo: nuestra esperanza by Joanna Harader
Dimanche de la Fraternité Anabaptiste Mondiale 2019 - Justice sur le chemin : migration et histoire anabaptiste-mennonite by Luz Amanda Valencia
Domingo de la Fraternidad Anabautista Mundial 2019 - En pos de la justicia: migración en la historia anabautista-menonita by Luz Amanda Valencia
Weltgemeinschaftssonntag 2019 - Gerechtigkeit Unterwegs: Migration und die Täuferisch-Mennonitische Geschichte by Luz Amanda Valencia
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2020 - Jesus Christ: Our Hope (French and Spanish included) by Don Rempel Boschman
Dimanche de la Fraternité Anabaptiste Mondiale 2018 - Le Saint Esprit nous transforme ed. Mennonite World Conference
Domingo de la Fraternidad Anabautista Mundial 2018 - El Espíritu Santo transformándonos ed. Mennonite World Conference
Weltgemeinschaftssonntag 2018 - Der Heilige Geist verändert uns ed. Mennonite World Conference
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