Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday

Mennonite World Conference designates the last Sunday in January as World Fellowship Sunday and invites Anabaptists around the world to join in worship as a community of Christian believers with Anabaptist commitments.

Also see Christian Ecumenism.

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Song - God Calls Us (Lyrics, Lead Sheet) by Darryl Neustaedter Barg
Song - God Calls Us (Video) by Darryl Neustaedter Barg
Song - Dhuh Pangeran (O Prince of Peace) (Lyric Video) by Saptojoadi Sardjono
Responsive Prayer - Proclaim the Year of the Lord’s Favor by Luz Amanda Valencia
Call to Worship – Give Me Jesus by Francisca Ibanda
Song - Worthy of You (Lyrics, Chords, Lead Sheet) by Phil Campbell-Enns
Song - Worthy of You (Video) by Phil Campbell-Enns
Affirming Faith - Whom Shall I Fear? by Ron Rempel
Song - Dhuh Pangeran (O Prince of Peace) (Lyrics) by Saptojoadi Sardjono
Song - Vision: Healing and Hope (Lyrics, Lead Sheet) by Patty Shelly