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Song - God Sees (God Dreams) (Video) by Emily Ralph Servant
Song - God Sees (God Dreams) (Lyrics, Chords, Lead Sheet) by Emily Ralph Servant
Reading - Psalm 122 by June Mears Driedger
Visual Art - Seeing Epiphany by Jerry Holsopple
Song - Psalm 27 (Video) by Paul Dueck
Reading - Psalm 72 by June Mears Driedger
Reading - Psalm 148 by June Mears Driedger
Reading - Psalm 148 by June Mears Driedger
Reading - Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 by June Mears Driedger
Reading - Psalm 146:5-10 and Luke 1:46-55 by June Mears Driedger
Reading - Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 by June Mears Driedger
Song - Receive My Peace (Lyrics) by Rachael Weasley
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