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Visio Divina - Waiting on God by Len Rempel
Visio Divina - Seed of New Life by Len Rempel
Visio Divina - Ends of the Earth by Len Rempel
Visio Divina - Remembering God in the Night by Kevin Driedger
Visio Divina - Seek the Face of the Lord by Len Rempel
Visio Divina - Rest Easy by J W Goossen
Visio Divina - The Clapping Trees by Len Rempel
Visio Divina - The Eyes of the Lord by Len Rempel
Visual Art - Stretched by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Curious Cardinal by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Resting Bluebird by Maren Hange
Visual Art - Goldfinch Sipping Nectar by Maren Hange
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