10 results for Isaiah 9: 1-4

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Advent Worship Series - A Christmas Carol by Karen Sheil
Complete Service - December: Advent & Winter Solstice, Darkness & Light by Wendy Janzen
Advent-Epiphany Worship Series - The Holy Way: Walking in the Way of God's Heart by June Mears Driedger
Christmas Day Service - Jesus is Born by June Mears Driedger
Song - Now That Light Shines (Lyrics, Chords) by Phil Campbell-Enns
Song - Now That Light Shines (Video) by Phil Campbell-Enns
Call to Worship - God of the Border Zones by Ron Rempel
Complete Service – Christmas Eve Program by Melissa Miller
Praise and Adoration - Your People Forever by Ron Byler
Prayer - Walking Together by Ron Byler