9 results for Psalm 40:1-11

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Confession - Your Kingdom Come by Alissa Bender
Domingo de la Fraternidad Anabautista Mundial 2017 - Mi clamor es escuchado ed. Mennonite World Conference
Weltgemeinschaftssonntag 2017 - Mein Schreien wurde gehört ed. Mennonite World Conference
Call to Worship – Overcoming Evil with Good ed. Reiner Kanzleiter
Benediction – God’s Gift to This World by Reiner Kanzleiter
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2017 - My Cry Is Heard (French, Spanish, and German included) ed. Mennonite World Conference
Call to Worship - Come Speak of God ed. Mennonite Church Canada
Call to Worship - Wait for the Lord by Beryl Jantzi
Service - Memorial Candle Lighting