Song - Dhuh Pangeran (O Prince of Peace) (Lyric Video)
PART OF SERIES Song - Dhuh Pangeran (O Prince of Peace) (Lyrics)
trans. Lawrence M. Yoder
2020, 3:53
Dhuh Pangeran (O Prince of Peace) (Lyric Video) Lagu sing nyebut wong Kristen saka sak ndonya ngumpul ing ibadah lan martakaké kamulyan saka Gusti Allah jeneng. Cocog kanggo digunakake ing ibadah jamaah. Ditulis lan direkam dening Saptojoadi Sardjono. Diterjemahake dening Lawrence M. Yoder. Curated dening Konferensi Donya Mennonite kanggo Perdamaian Minggu. Klebu ing Voices Together.
Genre | Call to Worship, Confessing Faith |
Topic | Other Christology, Christian Ecumenism, Confessions of Faith |
Season | All Church Seasons |
Event | Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, International Peace Sunday, Peace Sunday |
Expression | Chant |
Type | Video |
Audience | Leaders |
Language | English, Javanese |
Publisher | Self-Published |
Collection | Voices Together Hymnal |

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