Lent Season

Starting with Ash Wednesday, the 40-day season leading up to Palm or Passion Sunday and Holy Week. It can be a time of fasting from food or other aspects of one’s life that often distract from a deepening relationship with God. A season for slowing down, reflection, confession, repentance, and renewal. (Note: fasting from food is not observed on the Sundays of Lent; Sunday is always a day of celebration.)

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Prayer Series - Lenten Prayers for Creation by Len Rempel
Congregational Prayer - Are You Still Sleeping, the Time Is at Hand: Year A, Palm Sunday by Len Rempel
Congregational Prayer - Days of Creation: Year A, Lent 1 by Len Rempel
Congregational Prayer - I Lift My Eyes to the Mountains: Year A, Lent 2 by Len Rempel
Congregational Prayer - Give Us Water to Drink: Year A, Lent 3 by Len Rempel
Congregational Prayer - Once You Were in Darkness ...: Year A, Lent 4 by Len Rempel
Congregational Prayer - O Dry Bones, Hear the Word of the Lord: Year A, Lent 5 by Len Rempel
Visual Art - Stretched by Maren Hange