Ordinary Time (Season)

The period of Sundays between Pentecost and Advent. Also, the Sundays between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday are also considered ordinary time. In some Christian calendars, this season is also called Pentecost.

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Call to Worship – Listen Up! by Carol Penner
Prayer of Confession - With You There are No Sides by Carol Penner
Offering Prayer - We Give with Hope and Assurance by Carol Penner
Call to Worship - We Join Our Voices by Carol Penner
Call to Worship - Why Bother? by Richard Gehring
Prayer - God of Hospitality by Richard Gehring
Call to Worship - Ask, Search, Knock by Richard Gehring
Confessing/Reconciling - We Confess Our Failures by Richard Gehring
Commission - Continue to Ask, Search, and Knock by Richard Gehring
Prayer - Help Us to Follow You by Richard Gehring
Benediction - Embrace the Path of Life by Brett Klingenberg
Praising - Sing the Glory of God's Name by Brett Klingenberg
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