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Full Sermon - Brokenness, Resurrection and Hope by Brian Flory
Lent Week 2 Service - Me and You and the Generations after You ed. Leader Worship Group
Confession and Assurance - Gerasene Confession by Ken White
Service - Child Blessing by Ruth Boehm
Stations of the Cross - A Modern Portrayal by Marlis Funk
Tenebrae Service - Lament by Melissa Miller
Confession and Assurance - Limitless Compassion of Christ by Joanna Harader
Liturgy for Gender Transition - Honoring and Celebrating Karen by Brenda Dyck
Liturgy - Trans Day of Remembrance by Jonathan Bay
Call to Worship - In Times of Longing by June Mears Driedger
Litany - Rejoicing in Holiness by Carol Wise
Lent Week 4 Service - Me and You and Darkness in View ed. Leader Worship Group
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