International Peace Sunday

The Sunday closest to the United Nations recognized International Day of Peace, September 21. The UN day focuses on education and skills to reduce destructive conflict and war. Mennonite World Conference encourages its member churches to use this date to proclaim and pray for peace. 

 Also see Peace and Nonviolent Practice.

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Appel à l'adoration - Louons le Seigneur by Janie Blough
Appel à l'adoration - Les béatitudes ed. Mennonite World Conference
Appel à l'adoration - Écoutez l'invitation d'Ésaïe ed. Mennonite World Conference
Appel à l'adoration - Venez rencontrer Dieu ed. Mennonite World Conference
Prière de confession - Ce que Dieu donne est suffisant ed. Mennonite World Conference